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Menter Iaith newydd i Flaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Sir Fynwy
New Welsh Language Initiative for Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen and Monmouthshire

Mae Menter Iaith newydd ar gyfer siroed Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Sir Fynwy. Dyma eu gwefan. Helen Williams (o Fenter Iaith sir Caerffili gynt) yw'r Swyddog Datblygu. Cysylltwch รข Helen i wybod mwy am y Fenter ac awgrymu y math o bethau hoffech weld yn dugwydd yn lleol. cofiwch gofrestru ar gyfer eu sustem e-chlysur er mwyn clywed am ddigwyddiadau.

There's a new Welsh Language Initiative (Menter Iaith) for the counties of Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen and Monmouthshire. Here's their website. The Development Office is Helen Williams (formerly of Menter Iaith Sir Caerffili). Contact Helen to find out more about the Menter and to suggest things you'd like to see happening locally. Remember to register for their e-event system to hear about the latest events in the area.

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