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Eisteddfod Eryri 2005

Newydd dderbyn 'Llawlyfr i Ddysgwyr a'r Di-Gymraeg' ar gyfer Eisteddfod Eryri 2005. Mae copïau ar gael oddiwrth:
Just received ‘A Handbook for Learners and Non-Welsh Speakers’ for the 2005 Eryri Eisteddfod. Copies are available from:

Awen Penri
01443 663714

Eleni bydd Pabell y Dysgwyr yn cael ei alw'n Maes-D ac mae modd lawr-lwytho'r amserlen o wefan ELWa.
The learners’ tent is going to be called Maes-D this year and you can download the timetable from ELWa’s website

Manylion Gigs Details:
Cymdeithas yr Iaith

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