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Noson Dysgwyr / Welsh Learners night, Mochyn Du, Caerdydd

Es i a Sarah i'r Mochyn Du nos Wener. Mae criw o ddysgwyr yn cwrdd yno ar nos Wener cyntaf pob mis. Y tro hyn roedd tua 30 o ddysgwyr wedi troi lan. Roeddwn yn dda hefyd bod sawl siaradwr Cymraeg iaith cyntaf wedi dod hefyd ac roedd cymysgedd da o oedran a gallu yno. Yn wir roedd ychydig fel y Cenhedloedd Unedig oherwydd yn ogystal a Chymry a Saeson, roedd yna hefyd Ffrancwr, Eidales ac Americanwr yno, ac roedd un person wedi dod yr holl ffordd o Abertawe!

Sarah and I went to the Mochyn Du on Friday. A group of learners meet there on the first Friday of every month. This time there was arounf 30 learners there. It was good also that many first language Welsh speakers had come along to so there was a good mixture of age and ability there. In fact it was a bit like the United Nations becasue as well as Welsh and English people, there was a Frenchman, an Italian and an American there, and one person had even travelled from Swansea to be there!

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