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Mae'r Gigfap yn wych, cyfle i weld ble mae holl gigs Cymraeg y mis yn cymeryd lle. Braf yw gweld fod gigs yn cael eu cynnal dros ardal mor eang o'r wlad.

The Gigfap (or Gigmap) is excellent, a chance to see where all the welsh language gigs are taking place this month. It's nice to see that gigs are held all over the country.

Mae'r wefan Curiad yn ddefnyddiol dros ben. Gelli'r edrych ar galendr gigau am y mis presenol a'r mis canlynol, ac mae modd chwilio am wybodaeth am fandiau neu artisitiaid.

The Curiad website is very useful. You can view a calendr that shows all gigs for the current month and the following one, and it's possible to search for info about bands and artists.

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