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Noson i Ddysgwyr, Eisteddfod yr Urdd Caerdydd 28.5.09

Dyma neges oddi wrth Gwmni ACEN sy'n gyfrifol am wefan dysgwyr S4C:
Here is a message from Cwmni ACEN the people behind S4C's Welsh learners' site:
Gair i'ch gwahodd i noson i ddysgwyr ar faes Eisteddfod yr Urdd 28 Mai 2009.

Lleoliad: Pabell S4C, Bae Caerdydd
Amser: 7.00 p.m.
Cost: Dim
Cynnwys: Bwyd a diod, cyflwyniad i S4C ac i'r wefan newydd i ddysgwyr, sesiwn holi ac ateb gydag Alys Thomas o'r gyfres Caerdydd, cyfle i weld rhaglen newydd.

Bydd y cyflwyniad i'r wefan ar lefel Mynediad. Croesewir cwestiynau ar unrhyw lefel a bydd tiwtoriaid yno i gynorthwyo.

We'd like to invite you to an evening for Welsh learners at the Urdd Eisteddfod, Cardiff Bay 28 May 2009.

Location: S4C Pavilion, Cardiff Bay
Time: 7.00 p.m. Free Entry
Cost: Free
Programme: Food and drink, an introduction to S4C and to the learners' website, a question and answer session with Alys Thomas who stars in the new Caerdydd series, a chance to see Caerdydd.

The introduction to the website will be at Entry level. Questions may be asked at any level and there will be tutors available to help.

If you get a chance please ring 02920 300800
or e-mail
jenny.allan [AT] so that we have an idea of numbers.

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