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Cymraeg o'r crud / Welsh from the cradle

Plant yw dyfodol yr iaith Gymraeg, ac mae yna lawer o wahanol fudiadau sy’n gallu rhoi cyngor a chymorth os ydych yn bwriadau magu eich plant drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Yr un diwrddaraf yw prosiect TWF gan Fwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg sy’n helpu teuluoedd di-Gymraeg i fagu eu plant yn ddwyieithog. Mae’n bwysig bod plant ifanc yn dod ar draws yr iaith cyn gynted a phosib, dyna prif bwrpas Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin a Chylchoedd Ti a Fi. Ceir adnoddau (resources) chwarae gwerth chweil ar gyfer plant oddi ar wefannau S4C a’r BBC (gem Sali Mali yw fy fferfryn i!). Does dim plant gyda fi ond petawn yn riant (parent), byddwn yn mynd ar negesfwrdd (message board) Dim Cwsg i rannu profiadau gyda rheini eraill.
Mae’r galw am addysg dwyieithog yn llawer uwch na’r darpariaeth yn y de ddwyrain ar hyn o bryd, ac mae mudiad RHAG, sef (Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg) yn ymgyrchu er mwyn newid y sefyllfa.

Children are the future of the Welsh language and there are many different organisations that can give advice and assistance on bringing up your children through the medium of Welsh. The latest is the TWF project by the Welsh Language Board which helps non-Welsh speaking families how to raise their children blingually. It’s important that children are introduced to the language as early as possible, and that’s the main purpose of Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin and Ti a Fi groups.
There are some excellent play resources to be had on S4C and the BBC’s websites (the Sali Mali game is my favourite!). I don’t have any children, but if I were a parent, I’d go on the Dim Cwsg message board to share experiences with other parents.
The demand for Welsh language education is much higher than the provision in the south east at the moment, that is why RHAG (Parents for Welsh Education) are campaigning to change the situation.

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